Rusland i karantæne, antallet af smittede stiger. Mr. East rapporterer direkte fra Moskva – del 2

Foto: Mr.Pavloff

Rusland: Rusland har i dag meddelt 3388 nye tilfælde af coronavirus-smittede, det er et rekordantal for en dag. I alt meldes 24.490 personer smittet med coronavirus. Natten til i dag døde yderligere 28 personer af coronavirus. Det samlede antal døde er nu 198 personer. Ifølge er der nu også registreret smitte i det østligste Rusland, halvøen Tjukotka. Den eneste russiske region uden smitte er Republikken Altaj i Sibirien.

Mr.East har indgået en aftale med Mr.Pavloff, som bor i Moskva, hvor der er indført strenge karantæneregler. Mr.Pavloff har indvilget i at fortælle Mr. East læsere om livet i Moskva under karantæne. Mr.Pavloffs beretning er på engelsk og er uredigeret. Dagens indlæg er indlæg nummer 2. Læs den første rapport her.

Af Mr. Pavloff

So it started. In Moscow, they began to introduce electronic passes to leave the house for travel by public or ground transport. To travel without transport, a pass is not required, but anyone who understands the scale of such a metropolis as Moscow understands that you cannot walk all over Moscow on foot to get from Mitino, for example, to Chertanovo where your beloved grandmother lives. Based on reality, it turns out that you can visit the store, pharmacy and everything within walking distance without applying for an electronic pass. According to the rules introduced, you can use the pass twice a week to make trips to the doctor (you can get an unlimited number of times), or digital reusable passes for those who work in continuous-cycle enterprises, for example, public service employees, doctors, or like my friend who works in one of Moscow’s bakeries It is impossible to get a pass for non-essential enterprises, the system requires an individual tax code for the enterprise to establish the authenticity of its existence. It must be remembered that a digital pass is valid only upon presentation of a document proving your identity. When traveling by public transport, you will need to indicate the number of the travel document that you use (most Muscovites use a universal contactless travel document for all modes of transport that has a unique number and can be updated online), in addition to all this, you will be asked to fill out your itinerary. For example, “Freedom Street House 1- Pravda Street House 2”

Vejledning til bestilling af elektronisk pas Foto: Mr. Pavloff

 Already at the weekend, on the outskirts of Moscow, traffic police posts appeared that checked the residence addresses of people entering Moscow by personal transport, were interested in their purpose of visiting the capital, and as far as I know, many had to turn around without getting into the city. My personal attitude to the ongoing measures? I believe that they were very late, it was necessary to declare quarantine, the strictest quarantine with a curfew and other restrictive measures, only isolation source of infection can we defeat the disease itself and not give it new victims.

   In his last speech, our President Vladimir Putin announced the negative results of the fight against the virus and the possible involvement of the army in solving this problem, it remains unclear in what form the army will be used. And why our chemical defense troops are abroad and helping other countries, at the same time as the doctors of our infectious diseases hospitals perform heroic acts every day. I think it’s time to return all the military and stop providing assistance to different countries. We have our own country and our own people and they are sick. For many years we paid taxes and fed the army not for the protection and salvation of well-fed Italians.

En forretning i Moskva Foto: Mr. Pavloff

  As for the level of the disease, while I do not see the positive dynamics of a decrease in the number of cases, every day only increases the number of infected people and there are more and more of them every day

For example

April 14 we have 21 102 people

April 7, we had 7,497 people

In one day we have 2,774 new cases (information taken from the portal

 Meanwhile, Muscovites are beginning to adapt to new conditions of life in quarantine, respect for social distance has already become normal and people are quietly standing in line in the street and waiting in line to go, for example, to the post office for a parcel. In the mail building itself, you are asked not to go beyond the yellow line on the floor and keep a distance when communicating with the mail operator. The wagons of Moscow high-speed trains are empty, as in all public transport in Moscow, but there are also warnings about the need to maintain a distance. Information stands in the courtyards already have posters about the need for digital passes for city traffic.

  And it seems to me that everyone already understands .. it will not end soon and we will now live in new conditions.

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